Tuesday, April 28, 2009

fridayyy @ 5PM .

in - n - out on sunsettt between HIGHland & la breaaaa !

threematikcz ceedayyyy dinner !

gramz , gwuap , & burgerz ! (:

beee thereeeeee , locoooooz !

& before igo to sleep .

"bby u my everything ,
uall iever wanted .
we could do it real big ,
bigger than uever done it .
ube up on everything ,
other hoez aint ever on it .
iwant this FOREVER , iswear
icould spend w.e. on it .
'cause he hold me down ,
everytime ihit him up .
&when iget right , ipromise
that we gon' live it up ."

idc what anyone has to say about it ;
ifucking love sebastian .
period , pointblank .

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ayeee lilbirdyyy .

whoever decided to go into my actual utube , watch the video that was never posted on the
whyythreeserious blog & then go backk & tell somebody it was about them , get at me please .
'cause ineed that . thee fuckk is wrong with u ? we made it so very clear that the blog was not to start drama & if anyone had any questions or concernz to come talk to either me or dri . not run & tell someone it waz about them you silly fuck . 'cause in all honesty , shit had nothing to do with them . &ihate people making assumptionz and starting shit for no reason . &iknow the person aint lying , she has better shit to do with her time then fucking go find my damn utube . im jstt not the fucking one my nigga . really .
ugot a fucking issue , COME TO ME .
ithought ialready made that shit clear , obviously ididnt so , im doing it now .
sincerely ,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

how theee fuckkk coulddd iforgettttt ?!


twoooooo weeeeeeekz !

twoooo weeeeekz & . . . ;

im outtaaaa schooool !

summer startzzzz !

life beginz !

theee bullshittt endz !

makin' maxx movez , literally !

ahhhhhhhhh !

soooo muchhh to takeee in at onceeeee .

igot the best iever hadddd ,

&ikrushhh , a lotttttt .

itz all goood in the streetz .

kinda =// .

shitz kinda lookin' upppp !

alrightttt , catchhh me if ucannn .

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Jsttt . . . WOW .

"i'll fadeee ubutt nakeddd outsideeee of walmart
& then makeee ugo nevergiveee me some tripplecee'z ."

jsttt , WOW .

can we sayyy , WEIRDOOOO !?

Nothingz ever gna be the same .

"guess if iwaz simple in the mind everything would be fine .
well , ima go ahead & do what ido so , ushould do u ."

im changing with the seasonz ,
dntt be suprised .
she do what the fuckk she want cause she want to .

bby , itz jstt the thrill of the chaseee ;
igott a fetishhh for them boyz who go & gettt itttttt .

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Real Shit .

threeematikC & i now have a bloG showwww (=


Now that I have the time , you should call me tonightt. . .

Gmorninggggggg (:

im upp threee no goood , locoooooo 'z !
catchhh me when you can !

enjoy this beautiful dayyyyyy !
& everyone smileee todayyyyyyy !

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 420 !

..to all my fellow Kushhhhh smokerz ! (=

istarted my 420 0ff jstt right , gna end it jstt rightttt .
hope everyone had a blaze'd up dayy ! - iknow idid ! !

Sunday, April 19, 2009

There comez a time when you jstt cant take it anymore. . .

& quite frankly , enough is enough .
no more walking around with my head down , im so over being blue , crying over you . . .

, never thought i'd see the day .

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

see , no one lovez you more than me & no one ever will . . .

itz presummer , for sure .
know why ? 'cause niggaz really aint going home 'til the bottlez gone , hmph smh .
& the week JUST started , ah !
anywhom , message of the day ;

happy ceedayy to my bigghomieeeJayyy(= ,
ilove that woman . yall don't even knowww .

Sunday, April 12, 2009

sunnycoast (8:46:23 PM): ijst said,whts my namee
sunnycoast (8:46:29 PM): she said.
sunnycoast (8:46:34 PM): sunny?

bitchez are maxxx silly .

&im gladd ifinally figured out how this shit workz !

mhm , iloveyouuu , sunny (=

&im soooo glad you're backkkk .
because imiss'd you something cruuuuuucial !
&these other niggaz jstt werent cuttin' ittt .

wow , the rest of this month is gna be sooo crucial for me .
if aint about some shit thatz beneficial to my life , icant even fuxx withchu til next month .

mkayyy , tooodlez !
itz all late & shitt .
itz been a longggg dayyyy .
niggaz iz silly .
& uhm , the SUN iz alwayz shining after it rainz .
holyyy fuckkkkk , cuhz . it feelz like kayywhyy is definitely getting her jelly backkkk !

mm , im backkkk on the spaceeeee www.myspace.com/xviolaxfreshx , addd itttttt .

&beforeee iforgettttt ;

you guyz remember when we went to mexicooooo !? LMFAOOO (=
..there you go , christian .

okieeeeee , sleeeepy timeeee . byeeeeee .

Friday, April 10, 2009

ihave been soooo boring lately , smh .

iguess a liddo update on my life wouldnt hurt .

well , let me fucking tell you ;

i've got three more weekz left of bullshit-_-.

my mommaz leaving outta townn! &ima spend my freedom doing homework , lmfaooo woow .

&i need the world to understand something ,
richard christopher edmond aka ohcee aka lil bk0ne is amazingg ; he's the testosterone half of mee , ahhh ! y'all justt don't know how much ilove this boy & how glad i am that iunderstand now .

what else. . .

first thingz first. . .
uhm , my heartz taken , officially =x

thats kinda all ican think of at the moment .

so with that said , isaved the best for last .


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i've justt been . . . so boring .
lmfaoo , sorry .

give me a second to start caring again , it'll all be okay again , i promise <3