Make realize how beautiful it all really is , & don't let it get awayyy .
I miss it , & it was interesting seeing it from someone else's eye's .
America truely does suck .
& The American teenLife , -_- .
Hell , fuckk no .

I really need things to change , 'cause I can't do this anymore .
It's coming , I feel it .
I want it , so bad . Justt sit back & watch me take it .
One weeeek .
No more Games .

"It's time to clean up those dirty spots , love ."
I really need things to change , 'cause I can't do this anymore .
It's coming , I feel it .
I want it , so bad . Justt sit back & watch me take it .
One weeeek .
No more Games .
"It's time to clean up those dirty spots , love ."