whoever decided to go into my actual utube , watch the video that was never posted on the
whyythreeserious blog & then go backk & tell somebody it was about them , get at me please .
'cause ineed that . thee fuckk is wrong with u ? we made it so very clear that the blog was not to start drama & if anyone had any questions or concernz to come talk to either me or dri . not run & tell someone it waz about them you silly fuck . 'cause in all honesty , shit had nothing to do with them . &ihate people making assumptionz and starting shit for no reason . &iknow the person aint lying , she has better shit to do with her time then fucking go find my damn utube . im jstt not the fucking one my nigga . really .
ugot a fucking issue , COME TO ME .
ithought ialready made that shit clear , obviously ididnt so , im doing it now .
sincerely ,