It's the3rdday of the year,hmph.
I'm not sure if time is moving fast or slow but, I knoww I wish it would hurry the fuckk upp.
I'm so readyy for this shittt(:
Ahhhhhh & photoshoot w'my shittwin/hero soon!
My agenda for life excites me ina real wayyy.
Productivity is progress.
I shouldaa been doing this forever agooo.
Smileeee,peopleee - It's never that serioussss!
You do what the fuck you do 'cause you wanna do it.
Don't like it? - Change it,silly!
You're life is in your hands! & You're soo youngg!
It hasn't even really begun yet.
This is just the beggining.
"One day your life is going to flash before your eyes - Make sure it was worth it."
I'm not sure if time is moving fast or slow but, I knoww I wish it would hurry the fuckk upp.
I'm so readyy for this shittt(:
Ahhhhhh & photoshoot w'my shittwin/hero soon!
My agenda for life excites me ina real wayyy.
Productivity is progress.
I shouldaa been doing this forever agooo.
Smileeee,peopleee - It's never that serioussss!
You do what the fuck you do 'cause you wanna do it.
Don't like it? - Change it,silly!
You're life is in your hands! & You're soo youngg!
It hasn't even really begun yet.
This is just the beggining.
"One day your life is going to flash before your eyes - Make sure it was worth it."
Funny how just yesterday I was like BLAHHHH abt time & now I'm AHHHH abt time! I told
you I would start to get it together sooner than later(: Rawrrrrrr!
January 3rd, 2009 - I had to start somewhereeee!