Dear 2008,
You were suppose to be the year all my dreams came true but, then I realized.. Nightmares are dreams too.
You took me to straight to the gates of heaven only to send me falling down to the pits of hell & left me there to burn. You took the person I thought I was & created this monster living in this fantasy world. I absolutely hate you but, I owe you my life. You took my lost soul, made me lose my mind, and now - I’m here. I’ve now found my way. So, for that I would like to thank you.
To the people I lost, the people I found, the relationships that were ruined, and the ones that grew; Know that I will always love you.
I danced with the devil for 365 days.
My very long nightmare is over.
No more hiding who I want to be - this is me.
I feel like I came out on top of the world.
I played with death! On more than one occasion! God truly did bless me this year & I’ll never make those mistakes again.
I’ve found sanity. I know what it’s like to be a real person, living in a real world.
I was an addict & now I’m not, it feels soooo good to be able to say that! "I can see soo much clearer now that the drugs are goneee."
I overcame my biggest fear - I got comfortable being alone. I love myself for who I am now. My insecurities no longer exist. It feels so much better.
I now know what it’s like to really love & really hate. I found passion in people. I've fallen & managed to pick myself up, by myself. &With the help of some amazing people. Everyone & everything I used as a clutch this year.. &Just.. Ahhh!
The most amazing, blessed nightmare ever lived.
I'm a new me & that is such a beautiful thinggg.
So, 2008 - I bid you farewell.. It’s time for 09; Time to truly shine!(:
&I’m sorry to say that I’ll NEVER be looking back.
To the people;
This year was so surreal. I feel like we were actors in someone’s movie. Casted December of 2007. Started filming January 1st, 2008. & Now, this movie is over. & We all deserve a fucking Oscar award.
Don’t you agree?